Financial Statements
11. Share Based Payments
Subscriptions of shares and warrants (excluding series A shares) made by the Company’s Sponsors,
members of the Board of Directors and the management during the comparative period have been
considered as transactions under IFRS 2 – Share-based payments.
On 3 September 2021 the Company's shareholders unanimously decided to issue a total of 1,050,000
Founder Warrants to be subscribed to TSOEH Oy (Tuomo Vähäpassi's related party company) and
Mikko Vesterinen. The subscription price per warrant EUR was 0.01 and the total amount of net
subscription for all warrants was EUR 10,500.00. The subscription price was recorded in the Company's
invested unrestricted equity fund. The subscription of warrants are transactions subjects to IFRS 2
Share-Based Payment. The fair value of Founder Warrants was determined to be EUR 0,34 per warrant
using modified Black & Scholes -option pricing model. The difference between subscription price of
Founder Warrants and the fair value, EUR 346,500.00, was recorded as the Company's employee
benefits expenses during the financial period 13.8.-31.12.2021.
On 28
September 2021 the Company's shareholders unanimously decided to issue private share
offering for a total of 2,014,708 of the company's new series B-shares to be subscribed to TA Ventures
Oy (Timo Ahopelto's related party company), Decurion Ventures Oy (Kai Backman's related party
company), Sofki Oy (Petteri Koponen's related party company), Långdal Ventures Oy (Juha Lindfors'
related party company), TSOEH Oy (Tuomo Vähäpassi's related party company) and Mikko Vesterinen.
The subscription price per share was EUR 0.04 and the total amount of net subscription for all new
shares was EUR 80,448.32. EUR 80,000.00 of the subscription price was recorded in the Company's
share capital and the remaining part of the subscription of the amount EUR 448.32 was recorded as
the Company's invested unrestricted equity fund. The Company used these issues of shares as a mean
to finance its working capital. The subscriptions of series B shares are transactions subjects to IFRS 2
Share-Based Payment. The fair value of series B shares, EUR 3.10 per share, was determined by using
certain assumptions, amongst others, related to the share price development of series A shares of the
Company. The difference between the fair value and the subscription price of series B shares, in total
EUR 6,165,006.48 was recorded as the Company's employee benefits expenses during the financial
period 13.8.-31.12.2021.
On 28
September 2021 the Company's shareholders unanimously decided to issue 329,672 Sponsor
Warrants to TA Ventures Oy (Timo Ahopelto's related party company), Decurion Ventures Oy (Kai
Backman's related party company), Sofki Oy (Petteri Koponen's related party company) and Långdal
Ventures Oy (Juha Lindfors' related party company). The subscription price per warrant was EUR 1.82
and the total amount of net subscription for all Sponsor Warrants was EUR 600,003.04. The
subscription price was recorded in the Company's invested unrestricted equity fund. The Company
used these issues of Sponsor Warrants to finance its working capital. Warrant subscriptions made by
subscriber of Sponsor Warrants are transactions subject to IFRS 2 Share-Based Payment. The fair
value of Sponsor Warrants was determined to be EUR 1.37 per warrant by using a modified Black &